These are My Best Friends
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N2T (Not, Noi, Toi) |
Hi... I am Noi. I have friends in
my town, named Utin Rasyidah Fitriah
and Sandra Deswana Prastika. Utin Rasyidah Fitriah or Toi is a good girl but
sometimes very annoying, talkative and also humorous as I am, because we like to
do weird things. wkwkwk... Then Deswana Sandra Prastika or Not, she is a girl
whom always wearing glasses, she the opposite of both of us, she also kind but
more mature and serious. Those are a little describing personality about them.
the history of friendship is never any problem because every close relationship has a problem, either small or big problem. Just like the three
of us, sometimes just because trivial problems made us fighting. In this case, it
didn't make us to be enemies, because we were aware of the friendship.
We spent
more time together when inside and outside of school. At that time, we were one class in XI
Science 2 but when it had gone up to class XII, we
were so rarely together. The Factor was different class; we were both in XII science 1 and Utin in XII science 2.
most I like in make friends, adversity will be a little lighter because of the help friends. For example, they didn’t hesitate to lend money when I needed it. On the
other hand, I have known their characters, so I can trust each other. Besides,
we can share about anything, such as sharing food, drinks, stories, joys and
sorrows, but do not share boyfriend ya.... hehehe *kidding. Insyallah whatever
we do more positive than negative.
we separated because of college. I lecture in Unipdu / University of Pesantren
Tinggi Darul 'Ulum Jombang, Tika in
/ Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta, and Utin in STKIP Pontianak with different prodi. Although our
distance away, we keep
communication via social networks or gadget.
I ♥ YOU friends... I must
have missed you guys :*
yes Sir, I'm going to fix it.