These are My Best Friends
N2T (Not, Noi, Toi) Hi... I am Noi. I have friends in my town, named Utin Rasy i dah Fitriah and Sandra Deswana Prastika. Utin Ras y id ah Fitriah or Toi is a good girl but sometimes very annoying, talkative and also humorous as I am, because we like to do weird things. wkwkwk... Then Deswana Sandra Prastika or Not, she is a girl whom always wearing glasses, she the opposite of both of us, she also kind but more mature and serious. Those are a little describing personality about them. In the history of friendship is never any problem because every close relationship has a problem, either small or big problem. Just like the three of us, sometimes just because trivial problems made us fighting . In this case, it didn't make us to be enemies, because we were aware of the friendship. We spent more time together when inside and outside of school . A t that time, we were one class in XI Science 2 b ut when it had gone up to class XII, we were so rarely together....