
Showing posts from 2013

Tour to Surabaya, in the Framework of the Open House IFI Surabaya

Saturday, November 23, 2013, at 8:45 a.m. I'm with my classmates Winda, Nanda, and Hosma assemble and went to my campus Unipdu on foot. Arriving on campus, we listen to the briefing of the lecturer, Mr. Fanani. Students who follow this tour of about sixty peoples, from the first semester and third semester, one lecturer FBS and students of MAN Rejoso. Shortly afterwards after the briefing, all first semester students who will join the tour enters the two buses that have been parked in the front yard FBS Unipdu. At 10:00 the group departed for the Capitals of East Java, Surabaya. On the way, a lot of things that we do, there are ate, drank, slept, listen to music, photos, and etc. At 12:00 we arrived at the Great Mosque of Al-Akbar Surabaya for jama’ ta'dhim Dzuhur – Asr prayer. Finished the prayer, we lunch together at the front of the mosque pavement. During still lonely... Hehe :D The food runs out, the trip was resumed. At 13:00 the group arrived at the IFI...

These are My Best Friends

N2T (Not, Noi, Toi) Hi... I am Noi. I have friends in my town, named Utin Rasy i dah Fitriah and Sandra Deswana Prastika. Utin Ras y id ah Fitriah or Toi is a good girl but sometimes very annoying, talkative and also humorous as I am, because we like to do weird things. wkwkwk... Then Deswana Sandra Prastika or Not, she is a girl whom always wearing glasses, she the opposite of both of us, she also kind but more mature and serious. Those are a little describing personality about them. In the history of friendship is never any problem because every close relationship has a problem, either small or big problem. Just like the three of us, sometimes just because trivial problems made us fighting . In this case, it didn't make us to be enemies, because we were aware of the friendship.  We spent more time together when inside and outside of school . A t that time, we were one class in XI Science 2 b ut when it had gone up to class XII, we were so rarely together....

Position of Parents After Married

The meeting this time is about the family and there is a new task, given by Mr. Nurdin , lecturer Integreted Course . The task is easy , just answering a question . This question :   If I have a family later , how is the position  of parents   than husband ? I would answer : In Islam , obedient to parents for a woman its legal obligation . However , such obligations restricted during is concerned is not married . When you have a family , a wife be required obedient to the husband more priority . During the observance of the law was still in the corridor and didn't violate the religious orders . So my parents position to become the second because I have a husband , but that doesn't mean I don't obedient to parents anymore , it's just that his position has changed .