Tour to Surabaya, in the Framework of the Open House IFI Surabaya

Saturday, November 23, 2013, at 8:45 a.m. I'm with my classmates Winda, Nanda, and Hosma assemble and went to my campus Unipdu on foot. Arriving on campus, we listen to the briefing of the lecturer, Mr. Fanani. Students who follow this tour of about sixty peoples, from the first semester and third semester, one lecturer FBS and students of MAN Rejoso. Shortly afterwards after the briefing, all first semester students who will join the tour enters the two buses that have been parked in the front yard FBS Unipdu. At 10:00 the group departed for the Capitals of East Java, Surabaya. On the way, a lot of things that we do, there are ate, drank, slept, listen to music, photos, and etc. At 12:00 we arrived at the Great Mosque of Al-Akbar Surabaya for jama’ ta'dhim Dzuhur – Asr prayer. Finished the prayer, we lunch together at the front of the mosque pavement. During still lonely... Hehe :D The food runs out, the trip was resumed. At 13:00 the group arrived at the IFI...