A Favourite Place in Jombang

Jombang has a place to relax, namely Keplaksari Park. Keplaksari Park is one of some parks that had by Jombang City. Many teenagers visit this place, not only teenagers like this place, but also kids until old people often spend their time to recreation there, well in the morning or in the afternoon. Keplaksari Park is a park which is known as Ruang Taman Hijau (RTH). That is located in the Keplaksari Village, Peterongan Subdistrict, Jombang - EAST JAVA. Besides, it has natural and beautiful nuance, this park also features various facilities like sports facilities. Something make it interesting are animals which is made by kitchen waste, electronic goods, wood chips, etc. For example, from animal which is made by electronic goods is elephant. All parts of the body, from the tail to head, made of various types of electronic waste, such as television, calculator, computer, radio, until the tip of trunk from megaphone former. After assembled in such a way, various electronic g...